Thursday, August 24, 2006

LCP-H2294, Using the UART0 PinOut. MAXIM HACKED APRT!

Ok, so I was using CrossWorks v1.5 and that was a major source of my problem. If you want to
easliy use the LPC-H2249 CrossWorks v1.6 is the solution. I am still waiting to get some time to build a toolchain on a linux box to compile code for the LPC-H2294. But for now CrossWorks is close enough. So here is the deal If you would like a simple hack to use the UART with the pins provided from the LPC-H2294 must have the right voltage to talk to the serial device of the computer, if thats what your interfacing with. The serial from the pc is 12v and a usb-to-serial provides that 12v when you use it. The LPC-H2294 UART pins are 3.3v so you need to kick it up or down. Instead of building a curcut to do this you can crack open your usb-to-serial and see what kind of chip it has. As far as I know MAXIM Transceivers provide a different voltages on differnt pins. So what a friend of mine suggested was to use those pins instead of what is connected to the serial part of the device. I had a MAXIM MAX213 Chip and used pin 19 for the RX on the UART. Pin 6 was used for the TX on the UART.
My explanation sucks, but my pictures rock!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


I was not using the support package that CrossWorks has, maybe life will be easy now with it. On the other hand right now I have been using sys-dev/crossdev on gentoo to create the needed toolchain for ARM. crossdev -s3 arm . Thats all that I did, now let see if it works.

One of the Best ARM Codes example site.

All of the codes here look nice, compile on opensource compilers and are simple to understand. Im new to the LPC2000 scene and have been working with the LPC-H2294 from olimex. So far I only done blinking leds in CrossWorks, for some reason or another my uart implementation is not working correctly. By monday I should have something working, I hope!

Puzzle Mania

2006 Competition Results,have been out and here is the link to them. Once I get some money I might buy this years winner.